Blog #6 - Don't throw it away!


Throughout time, mankind has done extreme damages to the planet, but there are still small goals we can strive towards to help as much as we can. It doesn’t take much for us to find items that we can start using that are reusable. Two items that I personally use that are reusable are water bottles and cloth tote bags I bring every time I go to the grocery store. Although these seem like small little items, they go a long way in terms of plastic use. Eliminating the product of plastic water bottles in my house go a long way due to the amounts of water I try to obtain every day. I personally strive to drink 2 litres of water each day, which results in 4 500ml plastic water bottles. Just over the course of one week, that’s 28 plastic water bottles. 

A picture containing bottle

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Moving onto tote bags, it is the same kind of premise. Although I don’t go grocery shop every day, the elimination of having to purchase plastic garbage bags every week goes a long way and businesses are beginning to stop selling plastic bags at their stores. For example, the grocery store I go to recently announced they weren’t selling them anymore and you have the option to buy reusable grocery bags for 33 cents each. 




            Two items that I don’t personally obtain but are reusable for businesses are sensor lights and applications to track employees’ hours as well as online paystubs instead of paper versions. Both items over the course of just one year would not only save the company a lot of money, but also help reduce electricity and paper usage. Moving forward, all businesses should have the duty to be as green as possible to help the environment become a cleaner place.


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